- El Salvador
PRRO 10212.0 " Targeted Food Assistance for People Affected by Shocks and for the Recovery of Livelihoods"
Reporting Period: 02/18 to 02/25/2003
a) Significant events
WFP El Salvador has completed the livelihood survey in the Departments affected by the coffee crisis. This study will form a basis for interventions in the coming months under PRRO 10212.0. Activities will focus on food-for-training that aims to increase capacities amongst beneficiaries to generate alternative income and increase knowledge on hygiene/health and other identified training needs. A full report is expected in the coming week.
b) Security
There has been significant political violence, including numerous deaths, in the context of elections planned for 18 March. Departments of Sonsonate, La Paz, Usulutan, St. Miguel and parts of Libertad are currently in UN Security Phase 2.
c) Implementation
NGO implementing partner Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has completed the last part of WFP food distributions planned under PRRO 6089, completing the final phase of the project.