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El Salvador + 1 more

El Salvador: Monitoring the Humanitarian Response - Bulletin n° 2 | May - August 2023


Humanitarian Response Plan Activities

Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) sector, carried out the following activities within the the project: “Addressing converging crises and the unprecedented surge in needs of internally displaced persons, returnees and their families in Northern Central America (NCA)”, from May to June 2023:

  • Refurbishment of shelters: IOM together with the General Directorate of Civil Protection (DGPC) and the Directorate of Shelters (DA) restored the “Casa de la Juventud” hostel in Perquin - one of the four refurbished to national level.

  • Strengthening activities: the team of CCCM trainers in El Salvador, from the DGPC, DA and IOM, held four thematic workshops with 90 departmental and municipal liaisons (52 men and 38 women) from various governmental institutions, municipalities and NGOs in San Salvador, Morazán, San Miguel and La Unión. Another activity focusing on protection included an assessment with government institutions and community leaders who are part of the municipal shelter commissions. The objective of the assessment was to identify topics that required further strengthening or more information. A training plan was prepared based on the results of the assessment. The training was held with 140 participants (72 men and 68 women) on how to prevent acts of gender-based violence (GBV) and the violation of human rights of potentially vulnerable population groups (women, children, adolescents, people with disabilities and LGBTIQ+ populations) within the temporary shelters opened due to natural disasters or internal displacement. Some of these activities were carried out with the technical support of UNICEF and Cruz Verde.

  • Information management course for the context of emergencies: the course was developed with the objective of strengthening the capacities of government officials and key actors in preparedness, response and decision making to benefit people in situations of human mobility.
    Participants included technical teams from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

  • Distribution of 214 home kits and 323 hygiene kits for women in shelters to the Ministry of Governance and Territorial Development, as well as computer equipment for the Shelters Directorate to reinforce local capacities with good management, administration and control of temporary shelters during emergencies.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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