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El Salvador

El Salvador Earthquake Situation Report Update Jan 2003

November and December were busy months for the Team Salvador.
With the help and support of Salvadoran University students an assessment has been completed and a site prepared for the rebuilding of homes for families still living in temporary govenment shelters following the 2001 earthquake.

The foundations and structures of homes being build in El Salvador following 2001 earthquakes.

The students, who were members of the Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship of El Salvador, worked diligently to do a full family intake of all 300 families in the shelter. This was a transforming experience for many of the students who had never been so closely exposed to poverty issues in their own country. A design is being drawn and a social worker is in place to address needed community services and concerns raised through the family interview process.

As the students closed the project renewed in their commitment to work for justice and equality, they found the experience of interviewing and caring about each family's situation a wonderful way to demonstrate Christian love and Christ-like caring.

210 families began their participation in building their new homes by digging the foundations. The homes will be built in blocks (polignos) of 25. The first 25 homes will be finished this week.