In Numbers
124,779 people assisted in September 2019
37.2 mt of food assistance distributed
US$2.6 million distributed through cash-based transfers (CBT)
US$45.3 million six months net funding requirements (November 2019–April 2020)
Operational Updates
• In partnership with Shell and PepsiCo, WFP assisted 4,328 families of community school students in Matrouh, Menia, Giza and Assiut through cash transfers redeemable for nutritious food items, helping families increase their dietary diversity and food security.
• Seven new community schools in Aswan, Minia, Assiut, Matrouh and Giza were transformed into ‘Community Hubs’ equipped with technology, helping foster an improved learning environment for students, educators and the wider community.
• WFP completed the renovation of 190 community schools in five governorates in a partnership with UNICEF.
• As part of WFP’s refugee response, WFP supported 101,790 refugees from different nationalities through food assistance. Other support included livelihood trainings benefiting 230 beneficiaries and nutrition support to 4,100 pregnant and lactating women.
• Together with the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP), WFP celebrated World Breastfeeding Week through a nutrition advocacy event that promoted practices to protect, promote and support breastfeeding in Sohag.
• WFP presented the outcomes of its recent study: Gender Inequality in Food and Nutrition Security in Egypt at the 1st Arab Women's Health Conference. The study provides guidance on evidence-based gendertransformative programming. WFP also presented its various programmes and interventions in support of women’s health and wellbeing in Egypt.
• WFP supported 355 sorghum growers with technical guidance on how to minimize losses and facilitated training of 459 women and men on raising ducks, goats and bee keeping to promote diversification of livelihoods of smallholder farmers. WFP also provided microloans to a total of 2,243 men and women to start and maintian their micro-businesses.
• In collaboration with Esri Northeast Africa, WFP organized a training on Geospatial Information Systems and database for members of MOHP and the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation for improved data collection and evidence-based planning and policy.
• WFP participated in the first International African Blue Economy Conference organized by Suez University and presented its approach on Blue Economy’s potential to deliver growth and jobs.