In Numbers
416,000* people assisted in November 2024
36 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 3.4 m cash-based transfers made
US$ 11.4 m (December 2024 – May 2025) net funding requirements
*Figures presented are estimates based on available data at time of publication.
Operational Updates
Crisis Response
- WFP continues its humanitarian response efforts supporting over 195,000 refugees and crisis affected populations, including Sudanese newcomers, with monthly cash assistance in Cairo, Alexandria, Aswan and other cities. WFP continues to scale-up its cash assistance programme to support additional vulnerable Sudanese newcomers, aiming to reach 200,000 of the most vulnerable refugees by the end of 2024, representing 20 percent of the 1 million refugee population to be registered by mid-2025, according to UNHCR.
Self-Reliance for Refugees and Host Communities
- WFP provided vocational training to nearly 600 refugees, crisis-affected populations and host community members in November, bringing the total beneficiaries to over 5,000 people since January 2024. Since launching the mentorship and micro-grants programme in September 2024, WFP has empowered nearly 1,100 refugees and host communities through business training and micro-grants, supporting the growth of small enterprises.
- WFP continued supporting 8,000 pregnant and breastfeeding women (PBW) refugees with children under two through cash-based transfers, conditional on attending monthly health/nutrition check-ups.
School-Based Programme
- A total of 32,500 families of primary community school students received cash assistance, conditional to school attendance, to protect their livelihoods against economic shocks and to support their food security. Also, WFP distributed daily fortified snacks to around 35,200 students in community schools in six governorates.
- Under the ‘First 1,000 Days’ national nutrition programme, WFP and the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MOSS) provided cash top-ups to about 47,000 PBW registered under the national social protection programme, ‘Takaful and Karama’ (‘Solidarity and Dignity’).
- WFP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP), conducted a workshop for 77 healthcare providers in three governorates to improve their school health management skills.