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Food Observatory: Issue No.2, October 2011


Executive Summary

  • During the first ten months of 2011, total cost of the proposed main goods basket (annex 1) amounted to L.E 4602.3, with a monthly average of L.E 460.2.
  • Regarding global prices, price increase becomes evident in a number of important commodities namely: garlic and poultry.
  • Around two-fifths of the vulnerable households (44.4%) depend on other sources of income beside their current job, mainly assistances and philanthropic aid. The income of 85.0% of the vulnerable households does not cover their monthly needs.
  • The vulnerable households resort to borrowing as primary means for covering their monthly needs, and assistances serve as the determinant element for securing food.
  • More than two-thirds of the vulnerable households realized the price increase of fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, poultry, garlic, milk, and eggs.
  • Around 16.7% of the vulnerable households do not have a ration card.
  • Around 11.3% of the vulnerable households do not consume subsidized Baladi bread.