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Egypt: North Sinai attack: Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA)


A. Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

On 24th of November 2017, a bomb and gun attack against a mosque in al-Rawda village (Bir Al Abed locality) in North Sinai took place. The attack targeted people during Friday (Gomaa) prayer when hundreds were inside the mosque.

The attack resulted in more than 300 deaths, 138 injured including children and more than 500 families deprived of their loved ones as well as their source of earnings. 27 children lost their lives, leaving 15 mothers mourning. More than 50 houses were damaged due to the random shooting around the mosque. Ambulances were exposed to armed attack and two health workers were killed.
Summary of the current response

Overview of Host National Society response:

The Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC) is member of the National Crisis Management Committee at the level of Prime Minister Cabinet. Branches are represented at similar body at local level. The regulatory bylaws for non-governmental organizations apply to ERC stating that due to international agreements ERC has unique position to deal with internal RCRC Movement and similar organizations.

Immediately after the attack, ERC activated the operation room at its headquarters in Cairo, North Sinai and in Ismailiyah branches which are respectively 200 and 150 km distance from Cairo. Emergency Action Teams have been mobilized in the branches of Arish and Ismailiyah. Additional teams joined from Cairo.

The intervention of ERC has been organized in the following phases:

Immediate emergency response (24-25-26 November)

The immediate response took place the 24th, 25th and 26th of November, as follows:

• 100 ERC staff and volunteers have been involved in the immediate emergency response, in different locations.

• Blood bags and transfusion sets were provided from all blood groups in addition to 200 units of plasma:

• On day 1: 75 blood bags were sent from ERC Blood bank in Cairo and 200 plasma units

• On day 2: due to high number of public willing to donate blood, ERC sent from Cairo a blood collection car, together with 120 transfusion sets including bags

• Medical supplies were provided to the two hospitals in Ismailiyah in the form of two surgical war kits provided by ICRC.

• Emergency Action Teams (EAT) were deployed from the North Sinai branch and Ismailiyah. The teams helped in the transferring of affected people from ambulances to Emergency Room in the hospitals and provision of first aid in support to the overwhelmed medical crew. Some 40 injured were provided with first aid services.

• National Disaster Response Team (NDRT) were deployed from Cairo and Ismailiyah branches. They distributed clothes for injured people at the hospital and provide necessary bed sheets and blankets for a complete ward in Arish hospital.

• NDRT also ensure provision of food and non-food items specially blankets, as well as support in providing temporary places for the families waiting for their injured relatives. A total of 300 hot meals were provided on spot and repeated on the next days for 125 persons, in addition to providing bottled water.

• Psychosocial (PSS) team were deployed from Cairo and Ismailiyah. They provided PSS to affected people and families and organized people in order not to block the way from ambulances, and direct them within the hospitals. They also facilitated contacts between doctors and families. They provided PSFA for 400 people and PSS for children.