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2009 UN and Partners Work Plan for Sudan


Sudan has taken tremendous strides towards peace and recovery in the past few years. But there are still enormous challenges. Hostilities continue in Darfur, while flare-ups of violence in other regions create new emergencies and complicate existing ones. Humanitarian and social indicators in many parts of the country are alarming: in the south, more than half the population does not have access to clean water, the number of mothers dying in childbirth is one of the highest in the world, and the number of people immunised one of the lowest. In some eastern states malnutrition rates are above the emergency threshold, and in several regions school enrolment rates are among the worst worldwide. Coordination across Sudan's vast geography is complex, and resources often stretched. But alongside the challenges, there are real opportunities for progress. The efforts of the Sudanese government, donors and aid organisations are yielding results: not just the delivery of aid, but also livelihood development, skills transfer and training programmes to empower local communities and build the capacity of authorities to support recovery themselves. In 2009, the United Nations and partners will redouble their efforts, working with the Sudanese to stabilise emergencies and accelerate recovery. The humanitarian community will continue to provide health services and education, to build roads, clear mines and help the displaced return home. Millions of people will count on the UN and its partners for life saving assistance, including food, medicine, shelter and water.

The UN and its partners now require $2.18 billion to support the people of Sudan in 2009, as outlined in this Work Plan. The plan outlines humanitarian and early recovery programmes to reduce hunger, disease and poverty and to lay the groundwork for future development. Of the total, $619 million has already been secured, leaving a net requirement of $1.56 billion. This appeal will enable the UN and partners to provide more than four million people with food aid and more than 1.5 million additional people with safe water, to help 54,000 refugees come home and get more than 800,000 children into schools, to clear mines from more than 7,500 km of roads and ensure more than four million people have access to basic health services. Previous Work Plans included recovery and development programmes; in 2009 these have been moved into multi-year strategic frameworks more apt for the long-term. This plan does however include $787 million for early recovery projects, which can be implemented in one year and are catalysts for more sustainable development.

Just under half of the total funding requirement, $1.05 billion, is for relief and early recovery in Darfur. The region remains volatile; increasingly, the humanitarian community is having to adapt its approach to overcome challenges linked to ongoing violence, displacement and bureaucratic restrictions. The estimated population of Darfur is six million people; 4.5 million need humanitarian aid, while 2.5 million are displaced, mostly into camps. Insecurity has limited the ability of Darfuris to move freely to their lands and markets, and of aid organisations to reach them. Despite the difficult environment, the UN and its partners in Darfur were able to carry out the majority of programmes in 2008; to continue doing so in 2009, aid agencies will have to work ever more closely with communities, non-governmental organisations and authorities, recognising opportunities to develop the capacity of all local partners.

In the rest of Sudan, needs are also complex and varied. Basic services and livelihoods, especially in Southern Sudan and the areas along the north/south border, are limited, and stretched further by high numbers of returns. An estimated 2.1 million Sudanese have returned to Southern Sudan and the Three Areas since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed in 2005, putting enormous pressure on social systems broken by war. Fighting in Abyei in 2008 left much of the town destroyed, and significant work is underway to rebuild basic infrastructure and help those displaced return home. Natural disasters, intra-community violence, refugee influxes, and high commodity prices will require all partners to work together to ensure needs are met and resources used to best effect. Across Sudan, the UN and partners have an important role to play in supporting community leaders and state authorities to respond to emergencies and take a lead in early recovery efforts.

The Work Plan is the result of an intensive planning process involving government, donors, UN agencies and non-governmental organisations; more non-governmental organisations, both national and international, are taking part in the 2009 Work Plan than ever before. The plan demonstrates a strong commitment to develop the capacity of state institutions and help local communities manage programmes themselves. It also ensures that its projects align with longer term plans formulated by the government and the UN, to support transition towards sustainable development.

With an eye on the future, the Work Plan focuses more attention than ever on the environment. Sudan's natural resource base has been damaged by decades of conflict, and human upheavals continue to degrade an already fragile environment. It is critical to limit and reverse the damage. The livelihoods of the Sudanese depend on natural resources: protecting forests, water sources and fertile land will address one of the root causes of conflict often fuelled by competition for land, water and energy sources, and thereby reinforce people's ability to survive and build better lives. To this end, in 2009 the UN and partners aim to improve natural resource management in Sudan, including their own. Strategies include systematic environmental assessments, using alternative energy and construction technologies and improving resilience to drought, in order to mitigate the harm being caused and ensure the environment can continue to provide for future generations.

This Work Plan document brings together many of the different voices at work in Sudan. It outlines a strategy for 2009, and presents context analysis, funding breakdowns and assessments of the political, social and economic factors likely to influence programme delivery over the year. It explains the Work Plan process, and the mechanisms for monitoring progress. Partners in every region lay out their plans, and show how each project supports overarching objectives. Every project is listed by title in volume one; more details can be found in volume two, available on the Work Plan website ( Though easy to navigate: the document's size is evidence of the scale of relief and recovery needs, and the vast array of projects testament to the UN and partners' commitment to ensuring this appeal translates into real progress in Sudan.




Executive Summary



1.1 Basic Facts about Sudan

1.2 Background

1.3 Review of 2008

1.4 Situation Assessment 2009


2.1 Strategic Priorities

2.2 Programme Approaches

2.3 Structure and Coordination

2.4 Planning

2.5 Monitoring And Evaluation

2.6 Emergency Preparedness and Response

2.7 Funding Mechanisms

2.8 Funding Requirements in 2009


3.1 Cross-Cutting Issues

3.1.1 Capacity Building
3.1.2 Environment
3.1.3 Gender
3.1.4 HIV/AIDS

3.2 Sector Summaries

3.2.1 Basic Infrastructure and Settlement Development (BI)
3.2.2 Common Services and Coordination (CCS)
3.2.3 Cross-Sector Support for Returns and Reintegration (RR)
3.2.4 Education and Culture (E)
3.2.5 Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL)
3.2.6 Health and Nutrition (HN)
3.2.7 Mine Action (MA)
3.2.8 Non-Food Items and Emergency Shelter (NS)
3.2.9 Protection and Human Rights (PHR)
3.2.10 Water and Sanitation (WS)










Appendix 1: List of Projects

Appendix 2: List of Acronyms

Appendix 3: Guide to Navigating the 2009 Work Plan For Sudan

Please note that appeals are revised regularly. The latest version of this document is available on

Note: The full text of this appeal is available on-line in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.

Volume 1 - Full Original Appeal [pdf* format]

* Get the Adobe Acrobat Viewer (free)

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UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Palais des Nations
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CH - 1211 Geneva, Switzerland

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