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Ecuador + 1 more

WFP Ecuador Country Brief, November 2023


In Numbers

  • 6.6 mt of food assistance distributed*

  • USD 713,673 cash-based transfers made*

  • USD 11.7 six months (December 2023 - May 2024) net funding requirements, representing 52 percent of total

  • 30,235 people assisted* in NOVEMBER 2023

*Preliminary figures

Operational Updates

  • In November, WFP provided value vouchers to 15, 255 migrants across the country of which 3,991 were pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls in 16 provinces out of 24.

  • WFP assisted 11,246 migrants, refugees, and people from host communities with hot meals at shelters and canteens. Additionally, 3,734 on-the-move migrants received a food kit and a one-time voucher to buy food at local supermarkets.

  • In November, WFP identified 18 priority communities to establish Community Risk Management Committees in collaboration with local governments. WFP established six committees across Guayas, Pichincha, Manabí and Santa Elena. As part of the ongoing efforts of these committees, a successful emergency drill was conducted in Santa Rosa, Manta.

  • On 27 and 28 November, WFP, alongside ADRA and UNICEF, completed three murals in the Huaquillas community dining room. The first mural celebrates World Food Day, the second the International Children's Rights Day, while the third mark the 16 Days of Activism for the Prevention of Gender Violence. The creative process involved active participation from the beneficiaries of the hot meals service.