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WFP Ecuador Country Brief, July 2023


In Numbers 7.7 mt of food assistance distributed* USD 1.4 m cash-based transfers made* USD 12.3 m six months (August 2023 - January 2024) net funding requirements, representing 47 percent of total 48,408 people assisted* in JULY 2023

Operational Updates

  • In July, WFP provided value vouchers to 25,251 migrants across the country and additional cashbased transfers (CBT) to 11,026 Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women and Girls in 16 provinces out of 24 of the country.

  • WFP assisted 10,007 migrants, refugees, and people from host communities with hot meals at shelters and canteens. Additionally, 4,149 on-themove migrants received a food kit and a one-time voucher to buy food at local supermarkets.

  • As part of the emergency food assistance for vulnerable Ecuadorians, WFP assisted 192 households with CBT (USD 240 each), reaching 667 individuals. This assistance included guidance on nutrition in Chimborazo, Bolívar, Morona Santiago and Pastaza.

  • In response to the heavy rains and flooding in the Esmeraldas province on 3 June, WFP supported six temporary shelters throughout July, assisting 1457 individuals preparing and delivering hot meals in July. Over 200,000 hot meals were served during this intervention, which ended on 31 July.

  • As part of the Arroz Pato (Rice Duck) and the transformative gender approaches to resilient agro-food systems projects in Manabí, WFP established a sales point for agro-ecological products like rice, ducks, crab and vegetables. This is an important milestone as the sales point allows farmers to sell their products directly and promote fair trade practices.