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Ecuador + 2 more

WFP Ecuador Country Brief, July 2021


In Numbers

USD 10.2 million six-month net funding requirements

USD 2,249,854 cash-based transfers made

72,326 people assisted July 2021

Operational Updates

• 65,296 migrants, refugees and people from host community benefited from WFP’s food vouchers in July. The majority were Venezuelans (96 percent), followed by Colombians (3 percent). 14,980 pregnant and lactating women and children under two years of age of the most vulnerable households in 16 provinces received an additional transfer to improve their nutrition during the 1,000 days window.

• 3,001 people, 66 percent from Venezuela, were assisted at shelters and canteens.

• 4,029 Venezuelan migrants on the move were supported by one-time food voucher.

• WFP and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition celebrated the International Mangrove Day. During the event, WFP emphasized the importance of the conservation of the mangrove ecosystem to ensure families’ livelihoods.

• With the support of WFP, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, hosted a country fair, where small-scale producers could present their products. The event highlighted the importance of agriculture as a pillar of the food supply chain.

• The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock had a meeting in Rome with the Executive Director of WFP. At the meeting, the Minister and WFP discussed the importance of peasant family farming and the fight against malnutrition.