In Numbers
US$ 2,682,704 cash-based transfers made
113,367 people assisted
Operational Updates
• 112,490 people benefited from WFP’s food vouchers in July. The majority were Venezuelans (92.1 percent), followed by Colombians (7.5 percent) and a few beneficiaries of other nationalities. Since April, this assistance has been complemented by an additional monthly value of USD 5 per person for the purchase of necessary hygiene products, thanks to a UNICEF’s contribution. Due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, this agreement has gotten extended to September 2020.
• 877 people, 42 percent from Venezuela, were assisted at shelters and canteens managed by partner organizations.
• The one-time food assistance at the border provinces, Sucumbíos, Carchi and El Oro remains suspended due to the border closure.
• In July, WFP supported more than 300 Ecuadorian returnees in the province of Guayas before heading to their selfquarantine.
• WFP´s nutritionists carried out individual follow-ups with the cooperating partners for shelters and canteens, to ensure that the personnel has been keeping up with the training received on managing healthy and nutritious foods.
• For the climate change binational project, WFP used the Community-based Participatory Planning (CBPP) methodology to obtain the community adaptation plans with gender and intercultural approaches, for the Awá indigenous people and Afro-descendants.
• In line with the national COVID-19 response plan and the refugee and migrant response plan, the Budget Revision #5 was approved, expanding access to food-related activities, and introducing the provision of logistics coordination and assistance in support of the emergency response.
• Along with UNDP and UNICEF, WFP was awarded a Multi-partners Trust Fund addressing SDGs in Ecuador and targeting chronic child malnutrition for children under 24-month of age.
• FAO, IFAD, WFP and IICA are part of the Working Table for the Decade of Peasant Family Farming to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) in generating 10-year country action plan.