In Numbers
7.0 mt of food assistance distributed*
USD 721,000 cash-based transfers made*
USD 13.6 six months (March to August 2024) net funding requirements, representing 66 percent of total
26,608 people assisted* in FEBRUARY 2024
*Preliminary figures
50% 50%
Operational Updates
In February, WFP provided value vouchers to 12,631 migrants across the country, of whom 2,894 were pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls in 16 provinces out of 24.
WFP assisted 9,387 migrants, refugees, and people from host communities with hot meals at shelters and canteens 4,534 on-the-move migrants received a food kit and a one-time voucher to buy food at local supermarkets.
In February, heavy rains triggered flooding in El Oro, Esmeraldas, and Manabí. At the government's request and with funding from the government of Canada, WFP initially distributed emergency vouchers to 56 affected individuals.
As part of the school meals project in February, 50 educational centres received fresh, nutritious hot meals, benefiting 3,555 students. The initiative was carried out in collaboration with the Decentralized Autonomous Governments of Santa Elena, Carchi, Montúfar, and Tulcán.
In February, as part of our ongoing disaster risk reduction efforts, WFP conducted training on Sphere Humanitarian Standards, Technical Shelter Management, Humanitarian Assistance, Emergency Management Tools and Risk Management Diagnosis in Machala and Quito, involving 497 participants. Additionally, we continued training Community Risk Management Committees and preparing Emergency Brigades in 18 selected communities across Guayaquil, Quito, Rumiñahui, Manta, Portoviejo, Santa Elena, Cuenca, and Samborondón.