In Numbers
5.5 mt of food assistance distributed*
USD 643,570 cash-based transfers made*
USD 11.2 six months (January to June 2024) net funding requirements, representing 52 percent of total
27,526 people assisted* in DECEMBER 2023 *Preliminary figures
Operational Updates
In December, WFP provided value vouchers to 10, 904 migrants across the country of which 3,922 were Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women and Girls in 16 provinces out of 24 of the country.
WFP assisted 9,636 migrants, refugees, and people from host communities with hot meals at shelters and canteens. Also, 3,064 on-the-move migrants received a food kit and a one-time voucher to buy food at local supermarkets.
In December, as part of our continuous efforts in disaster risk reduction, WFP conducted training sessions on Initial Needs Assessment (EVIN) in Quito, Guayaquil, and Rumiñahui. Additionally, we established Community Risk Management Committees and initiated the first simulation drill in six out of the 18 targeted communities across Guayaquil, Santa Elena, and Portoviejo.
In December, closing events marked the conclusion of the joint programme on transformative gender approaches for smallholder farmers. Attended by over a hundred participants, including producers and consumers of project-affiliated farm products, the events in Imbabura and Manabí also welcomed local government authorities and delegates from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.
On 13 December, WFP hosted an event to present our achievements, express gratitude for our partners' vital support and acknowledge their significant contributions. The event featured showcased our ongoing projects, providing donors, partners and various ambassadors with insights into our current initiatives.