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Ecuador + 2 more

WFP Ecuador Country Brief, December 2021


In Numbers

USD 2.8 m cash-based transfers made

USD 18 m six months (January -June 2022) net funding requirements, representing 48% of total

USD 18 m L2 Emergency Response

90,810 people assisted in December 2021.

Operational Updates

  • 82,388 migrants, refugees and people from host community benefited from WFP’s food vouchers in December. Most migrants and refugees were Venezuelans (94 percent), followed by Colombians (5 percent). 10,576 pregnant and lactating women and children under two years of age, from the most vulnerable households in 16 provinces, received an additional cash-based transfer (CBT) to improve their nutrition during the 1,000 days window in December.

  • 5,228 people, 71 percent from Venezuela, were assisted at shelters and canteens.

  • 4,160 Venezuelan migrants on the move were supported by a one-time food voucher.

  • The Country Director, Matteo Perrone, participated in the joint “Gender Transformative Approaches Program” launched with FAO and IFAD. The program aims to strengthen smallholder farmers’ capacities and promote access to markets, particularly in women.

  • On 2 December, WFP presented the second phase of the programme “Emergency food assistance to the Ecuadorian population affected by COVID-19”, to be implemented in Carchi, Esmeraldas, and Pichincha.

  • WFP, through the “Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program”, provided educational and communication information on adolescent pregnancy and healthy eating.

  • Under the Binational Project "Building adaptive capacity to climate change through food security and nutrition actions in vulnerable Afro and indigenous communities in the Colombia-Ecuador border area", a new community (Santiaguillo), joined the programme and started water source protection works as part of the Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures.