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Ecuador + 2 more

WFP Ecuador Country Brief, August 2020


In Numbers

US$ 1,896,818 cash-based transfers made

78,573 people assisted

Operational Updates

• In August, WFP supported more than 300 Ecuadorian returnees in the province of Guayas. WFP also signed an agreement with the national government to further address Ecuadorian returnees in need for food assistance.

• In the province of Imbabura, WFP gave online community training to about 50 smallholder farmers and local government technicians.

• WFP established a learning community with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) and the Union of Indigenous Communities in San Pablo del Lago, to extensively share the capacity trainings they have received in their local communities.

• in the framework of the climate change binational project, WFP carried out two Community Based Participatory Programmes with Awa indigenous people and Afrodescendants. WFP also signed an interinstitutional agreement with Carchi State Polytechnic University for a cooperation framework to implement the project.

• WFP supported specialized shelters for survivors of violence, through the donation of highchairs for toddles residing in the facilities.

• 77,555 migrants benefited from WFP’s food vouchers in July. The majority were Venezuelans (93 percent), followed by Colombians (6.7 percent). Since April, this assistance has been complemented by an additional monthly value of USD 5 per person, for the purchase of necessary hygiene products, thanks to a UNICEF’s contribution.
Due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, this agreement was extended to September 2020.

• 1,018 people, 46 percent from Venezuela, were assisted at shelters and canteens managed by partner organizations.

• The one-time food assistance at the border provinces, Sucumbíos, Carchi and El Oro remains suspended due to the border closure.

• WFP provided support to UNHCR for cargo transportation to Lago Agrio.