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Ecuador + 1 more

UNHCR Ecuador: Santo Domingo, 2024


Operational context

The province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, home to approximately 500,000 people, has historically been a hub for internal human mobility and a reception point for individuals from other countries, including refugees and migrants. Its capital city, Santo Domingo de los Colorados with more than 300.000 inhabitants (4th city in Ecuador), hosts around 15,000 of people in human mobility, making it one of the most significant areas in Ecuador for integration opportunities and community-based protection initiatives. Its strategic location as a commercial and administrative center continues to attract those seeking safety and economic opportunities.

The province faces mounting challenges due to an increasingly deteriorating security context, marked by high levels of violence, extortion, and discrimination. Refugees and migrants are particularly vulnerable to evictions, unemployment, xenophobia, and limited access to basic services. While many families have relocated to Santo Domingo from other provinces, such as Esmeraldas, Guayas, and Lago Agrio, seeking safety from threats like child recruitment, persecution, and attacks on life and personal integrity, there have also been movements from Santo Domingo to other localities, primarily in the Sierra region, driven by security-related challenges.

To address these issues, UNHCR works alongside partners to strengthen protection networks, promote peaceful coexistence, and improve access to essential services. Efforts include fostering collaboration with local governments to develop coordinated strategies for the protection and integration of refugees and people in human mobility. Additionally, UNHCR has equipped the Augusto Egas Hospital to enhance healthcare services for displaced populations and host communities, ensuring better access to critical medical care.