Ecuador - 03/09/2016
5 communities isolated due to overflowing of Bulubulu River:
Five communities in Guayas province were isolated the morning of March 7, 2016 after the overflowing of the Bulubulu River. Relief agency members are trying to build a retention wall in Taura and thus access 800 isolated families. The overflow caused a meter and a half of water to accumulate, also inundating hundreds of hectares of farmland. In Duran, relief agencies are trying to gain access to two communities that have been isolated. (M: EL UNIVERSO).
Rains in Loja and other areas cause landslides:
Rains in Loja, the town of Sozoragna and Calvas, as well as in the province of Zomaora Chinchipe and El Oro have caused landslides to affect and block roads as of March 9, 2016. (M: EL UNIVERSO)