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IOM Appeal: Ecuador Earthquake (April - July 2016)


The Government of Ecuador has declared a “state of emergency” in the six provinces of Esmeraldas, Guayas, Los Rios, Manabi, Santo Domingo, and Santa Elena. As of 24 April, 655 deaths and at least 4,605 injuries have been reported. Over 40,000 people are internally displaced, with more than 29,000 individuals seeking shelter in spontaneous centres, such as stadiums. More than 6,698 buildings have been completely destroyed and more than 2,740 are damaged, including 281 schools. The Government of Ecuador and the humanitarian community estimate that over 720,000 people are in need of humanitarian aid.

IOM has a strong capacity in Ecuador, with its main office located in Quito and over 60 staff in country. This capacity has been further strengthened through a contribution of USD 500,000 from the Migration Emergency Funding Mechanism, which enabled the immediate deployment of a rapid response team with expertise in Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Shelter, displacement tracking, and Logistics.

IOM is appealing for USD 9,250,000 for activities as sector lead for Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM), co-lead for Shelter and Non-Food Items and partner in the Early Recovery sector. The funding breakdown is as follows:

Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) – USD 3,000,000

  • Monitoring displacement through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) - USD 400,000
  • Improvements to displacement sites to ensure safe living conditions - USD 1,800,000
  • Site management and coordination support - USD 500,000
  • Establishment of information centres and humanitarian communications - USD 300,000

Shelter & Non-food Item (NFI) - USD 5,000,000

  • Shelter and non-food items assistance for earthquake affected population in Ecuador (including cash grants) - USD 5,000,000

Early Recovery - USD 1,250,000

  • Safe emergency debris removal and management to prepare for shelter and recovery of earthquake affected communities in Ecuador - USD 1,000,000
  • Priority attention to host communities (including income generating activities and support to vulnerable groups) - USD 250,000