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Ecuador ā€“ Volcano Eruption (DG ECHO, IFRC, Media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 30 September 2020)

  • The ash fall provoked by the eruption of the Sangay volcano continues to be registered in several areas of the country, being the most affected the Andean province of Chimborazo. A total of 11,198 ha of crops have been destroyed in the provinces of Bolivar, Chimborazo, Guayas and Los Ríos, affecting at least 24,557 farmers.

  • The National Risk Management Service has distributed 26,250 volcano kits to those most affected in the provinces of Bolivar, Chimborazo and Guayas. The Ministry of Agriculture has delivered forage for the cattles.

  • DG ECHO has provided humanitarian funding towards the early action of the Ecuadorian Red Cross through IFRC’s Forecast based Action. This ensured the access to basic health items and livelihood kits to 1,000 vulnerable families.