Description of the Event
What happened, where and when?
In the first quarter of 2023, Ecuador has been impacted by several dangerous events that have been triggered simultaneously including floods, macro landslides, seismic movement, and volcanic activity (Cotopaxi, Reventador and Sangay). These events have exposed the population, leaving several human and material losses, people injured and people in need of immediate humanitarian assistance.
Landslide in Alausí:
On 26 March, at approximately 20.30hr, a landslide was reported in the Canton of Alausí, Province of Chimborazo, impacting 5 neighborhoods (La Esperanza, Control Norte, Nuevo Alausí, Pircapamba and Buain) of the "El Causal" sector in Alausí, causing loss of life and infrastructure. The landslide of great magnitude transported a large amount of material from the upper zone of Casual to the Gonzales Suarez school, leaving an affected area of 24.3 hectares. According to Situation Report No. 15, issued on 5 April, by the Risk Management Secretariat (SGR, for its Spanish acronym), more than 1,650 people are reported to have been directly affected by this event in the impact zone. Additionally, the report indicates 58 people missing, 43 people injured and 30 people dead. In terms of infrastructure, 163 houses are reported to have been affected, while 57 are destroyed (1).
Regarding public services, 60% of potable water services are reported to have been affected as well as 25% of lighting network and 20% of the sewage system in communities and neighborhoods in and out of the impact zone. According to data from the Municipal Government of Alausí, around 8,400 people have been affected indirectly as they are using water from tanks that do not comply with the minimum conditions of storage and sanitation. This is in addition to the fact that the electricity supply has been interrupted, affecting daily work and aid, as well as 26 hectares of agricultural land lost.