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Ecuador - Floods and landslides, update (NOAA-CPC, UN OCHA) (ECHO Daily Flash of 11 April 2023)

  • In the rainy season, heavy rainfall has affected more than 58,700 people across 173 Cantons. The Guayas Province is one of the worst hit with 28,200 affected people. Other affected Provinces are Manabí, Los Ríos, Santa Elena, Cotopaxi, El Oro, Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas, Imbabura and Chimborazo.
  • According to UN OCHA, 25 people died in the rainy season and 33 more following the landslide that occurred in Alausí Town (Chimborazo Province) on 26 March. In addition, 12,200 houses have been damaged displacing several people.
  • On 11-12 April moderate rain is expected over most of Ecuador, while heavy rainfall is forecast across the north-western areas.