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Ecuador: Earthquake - Revised Emergency Appeal Operation no.° MDREC012


This revised Emergency Appeal modifies the original appeal to focus on the identified humanitarian needs in the recovery and reconstruction phases. As such, it eliminates outcomes that were fully completed during the emergency phase and reported on in past Operations Updates (links below). The revised budget has been reduced to 15,085,628 Swiss francs. In close coordination, the Ecuadorian Red Cross and the IFRC have extended the initial 12-month timeframe to 16 months. Based on the current humanitarian needs and the donor response to this Appeal, this Emergency Plan of Action outlines the manner in which the Ecuadorian Red Cross, with secretariat support, will provide humanitarian assistance in the recovery and reconstruction phases to at least 85,324 people (21,331 families). As detailed below, this operation has a clear strategy to address the areas of health; water, sanitation and hygiene promotion; shelter; livelihoods, nutrition and food security; disaster risk reduction and preparedness; and National Society capacity building.

  • 16 April 2016, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake (Richter scale) struck off the coast of northern Ecuador at 6:58 pm local time. The epicentre was closest to the area between Cojimíes and Pedernales (Manabí province) and near the Muisne canton (Esmeraldas province) in an area 170 kilometres northwest of the country’s capital of Quito. The Ecuadorian government declared a state of emergency with a red alert in six provinces: Manabí, Esmeraldas,

Santo Domingo, Los Ríos, Santa Elena and Guayas. The area of Pedernales (Manabí province) was declared a disaster zone.

  • 18 April 2016: The IFRC allocated 405,778 Swiss francs from its Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to provide humanitarian aid to 40,000 people. The Ecuadorian government expanded the State of Exception, which enabled all international organizations not registered with the State to deliver humanitarian aid within the country.

  • 20 April 2016: First plane chartered by IFRC – GLS America with 64 tonnes of humanitarian aid arrived in Ecuador.

  • 22 April 2016: Emergency Appeal was launched for 18,350,836 Swiss francs to support 100,000 people for 12 months.

  • 10 May 2016: Operations update no. 1 was issued.

  • 19 May 2016: Operations update no. 2 was issued.

  • 24 June 2016: Operations update no. 3 was issued.