Appeal launched 22 April 2016
Revision n° 2 issued 08 August 2017
Appeal ends 22 April 2018 (Extended from 18 to 24 months)
138,264 people to be assisted
405,778 Swiss francs DREF allocated
10.8 million Swiss francs current Appeal budget
762,989 Swiss francs current funding gap
This revised Emergency Appeal seeks a total of 10,620,501 Swiss francs (decreased from 15,085,628 Swiss francs) to enable the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to support the Ecuadorian Red Cross (ERC) to deliver assistance and support to some 138,264 people (increased from 85,324 people) for 24 months with a focus on the following sectors: health; water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH); shelter; livelihoods; disaster risk reduction (DRR) and National Society capacity building. The budget also includes a bilateral component of 1,329,417 Swiss francs. The major changes include increased number of beneficiaries, an extended timeframe, and focus on providing comprehensive community support in the recovery and reconstruction phase. The planned response reflects the current situation and information available based on the revision of the Single Recovery Plan of the ERC. Details are available in the revised Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA).