In numbers
US$ 14 m six-month net funding requirements
0.10 MT of food assistance distributed.
51 people assisted.
Operational updates
• Under the framework of the current USAID/BHA award, WFP hosted a virtual webinar on emergency logistics, in order to launch the first national certificated course on humanitarian supply chain and its role in crisis contexts. The initiative, carried out in conjunction with the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC), seeks to strengthen technical logistics capacities in emergencies, for both the public and private sector.
• WFP co-leads the food security sector with FAO. Efforts are focused on coordinating actions in nutritional education and information for the COVID-19 response, including assessments, and mapping of food assistance needs and implementation.
• WFP continues informing the whole humanitarian community about the provision of services. Some partners have requested technical assistance to coordinate shipment through the Service Marketplace.
• WFP designed a national retail supply chain strategy, involving than one hundred retail stores in eleven provinces, with the aim to identify measures to improve purchasing power.
• WFP and the social protection programme PROSOLI are coordinating with the National Health Service (SNS) to reactivate the nutrition component to prevent and manage micronutrient deficiencies and undernutrition through the network of Primary Care Clinics. WFP and PROSOLI are also working to provide information about nutrition and healthy eating in the context of COVID-19, through social networks, small retail shops, and soon with the use of communication for behaviour change tools, such as nudging, a chatbot and radio initiatives. 245 Primary Care Clinics already received nutritious food and educational materials for nutrition counselling.