Period covered by this Operations Update: Period covered: 27 February to 28 October 2008.
Previous appeal target and timeframe: CHF 1,725,000 (USD 1,543,586 or EUR 1,045,897) for 6 months to assist 52,995 beneficiaries.
Revised budget: CHF 1,750,541 (EUR 1,199,000 or USD 1,528,857)
Appeal coverage: 100%.
An Interim Financial report will be published shortly.
Appeal history:
This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on a preliminary basis on 1 November 2007 for CHF 785,000 (USD 677,308 or EUR 469,217) for six months to assist 15,000 beneficiaries.
A total of CHF 480,000 (USD 414,150 or EUR 286,909) was allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support this operation (CHF 230,000 for the Dominican Republic, CHF 150,000 for Haiti and CHF 100,000 for the Bahamas).
The appeal was revised on 7 November 2007 to CHF 1,462,103 (USD 1,261,521 or EUR 873,941) for 6 months to assist 52,995 beneficiaries (10,599 families) in the Bahamas, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Included is an increase of an additional 2,000 families affected by tropical storm Olga in the Dominican Republic which was made possible by bilateral contributions.
On 27 February 2008, an Operations Update no.2 featured a second revised budget, increasing the budget to CHF 1,725,000 (USD 1,543,586 or EUR 1,045,897).
This Operations Update features a Revised Appeal budget for CHF 1,750,541 (EUR 1,199,000 or USD 1,528,857) and the timeframe of the operation is hereby extended for an additional ten months (until 28 February 2009) to scale up the response capacities of the Cuban Red Cross (CRC) and the Dominican Red Cross (DRC).
The countries of the Bahamas, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Haiti were seriously affected by tropical storm Noel from 29 October to 2 November 2007. The National Societies of the affected countries in coordination with the International Federation's Pan American Disaster Response Unit (PADRU) worked together to assess the needs, damages, purchase and distribution of relief items to those most affected by the floods and damages caused by tropical storm Noel.
A total of 76,674 families were affected by the storm; under this appeal a total of 8,929 families received emergency relief items, including hygiene kits, kitchen kits, mosquito nets and tarpaulins, as well as additional support including food parcels, jerry cans and blankets. In emergency health, 959 people received proper medical care and 14,124 families received clean drinking water. In total, approximately 23,245 families in the four affected countries received humanitarian assistance.