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Djibouti + 4 more

WFP Djibouti Country Brief, January 2017



  • WFP’s ability to maintain assistance to newly arrived Ethiopian asylums seekers, already existing refugees and vulnerable local populations in drought-affected and urban areas continues to be undermined by limited funding.

Operational Updates

  • Djibouti is currently hosting 21,119 refugees from Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea and Ethiopia. According to UNHCR and ONARS, a total of 6,063 Ethiopian asylum seekers have arrived in Djibouti in the last five months. WFP continues to provide food assistance to all registered refugees and asylum seekers living in Ali Addeh, Holl Holl and Markazi camps, in the form of general distributions, nutrition interventions and take home rations for school girls to encourage school attendance. The general distributions include a cash component to diversify refugees’ diet, increase their purchase power and boost the local markets.

  • WFP provides food assistance to the rural and urban food insecure households affected by drought in the form of general rations. In addition, WFP supports asset creation activities as part of building the resilience of affected communities. Nutrition interventions are ongoing for the prevention and treatment of moderate acute malnutrition and for people living with HIV/AIDS and those on TB treatment.

  • In January 2016, WFP provided food assistance to a total of 67,295 beneficiaries, among them refugees and asylum seekers and vulnerable local households in the rural and urban areas under the PRRO, while a total of 16,322 school children received school meals under the Development Operation.

  • According to FEWSNET, The Xays/Daada coastal rains (October to February) have largely replenished water sources and restored rangeland conditions despite being below-average in some areas. Food security has improved significantly due to improved livestock body conditions and productivity, increasing food and income access for the predominant, rural, pastoral population, but Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes persist. However, some poor households in Central Pastoral-Lowland and Southeast Pastoral-Border zones remain in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) as below-average rainfall this sea