In Numbers
374.7 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 360,930 cash-based transfers made
USD 4.1 million six months (January – June 2021) net funding requirements
108,737 people assisted in December 2021
Operational Updates
• In December, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to approximately 108,737 people, including refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, and vulnerable households in rural and urban areas, through unconditional in-kind food distributions and cash-based transfers (CBT) to meet their immediate food needs.
General food assistance:
• WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 21,126 refugees in all the three refugee settlements in Djibouti.
• A total of 238 households, with at least one family member living with HIV, received food assistance through vouchers valued at DJF 10,000 (USD 56).
COVID-19 response:
• WFP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Solidarities (MASS), provided food assistance through vouchers valued at USD 56.4 each to 1,000 households living in the five county towns, who have been affected by the impact of COVID-19 and the associated restrictive measures.
Food assistance for assets:
• As part of the implementation of the project to optimize farmers’ agricultural perimeters funded by France, WFP and FAO carried out a joint mission to the various target villages to inform and select project participants who were provided with tools to immediately start working and creating assets.
• WFP worked jointly with the MASS, the Ministry of Health and UNAIDS to carry out the first assessment on the food security, nutritional and socio-economic status of PLHIV in Djibouti City to help understand their living conditions and vulnerability and to adjust programmes accordingly.