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Djibouti + 1 more

Horn of Africa Sub-regional Programmes Appeal No. MAA64004 Programme Update No. 3


This report covers the period of 01/01/2007 to 31/05/2007 for 2006-2007 Appeal.

In a world of global challenges, continued poverty, inequity, and increasing vulnerability to disasters and disease, the International Federation with its global network, works to accomplish its Global Agenda, partnering with local community and civil society to prevent and alleviate human suffering from disasters, diseases and public health emergencies.

In brief

Programme Summary: Due to the sudden demise of the then Head of the Horn of Africa sub-regional office early in the year, the activities related to the annual appeal were inevitably affected, as well as the nature of support provided by the Federation to the Red Crescent Society of Djibouti (RCSD) and the Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS). In addition to this, the Ethiopian Red Cross Society's resources were largely diverted to the implementation of 3 emergency operations (MDRET001, MDRET002 and MDRET003). In Djibouti, some activities have been slowed down due to lack of sufficient funding but also the limited capacities of the National Society and support provided by the Federation.

At the beginning of March, the Emergency Operations Coordinator based in Nairobi was reassigned to Addis Ababa in an acting capacity pending the finalization of the process of recruiting a new Head. Since then, the situation has improved and stabilized, which has led to gradually increasing support by the Federation office to both National Societies. Emphasis was also placed on the implementation of past emergency operations.

During the first few months of 2007, both countries were affected by changing weather patterns, which has become increasingly common in the region, and which the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement must address as one of its priorities. Repeated droughts, floods, acute watery diarrhoea outbreaks and locust infestations have hit Djibouti and eastern Ethiopia, leaving an aftermath of devastated crops and diminished pastures which has led to further food insecurity, thousands have been made homeless and the death toll as a result of water-borne diseases has escalated.

A brief analysis of the financial situation shows that only CHF 433,300 has been received since the beginning of the year, out of which CHF 231,070 was assigned to Ethiopia, CHF 52,230 to the Federation office (coordination and implementation) and no funds at all have been allocated to Djibouti.

Needs: Total 2007 budget CHF 3,668, 821 (USD 3,047,193 or EUR 2,223,527) out of which 27.3 percent covered. Outstanding needs are CHF 2,666,695 (USD 2,214,862 or EUR 1,616,178).

No. of people we help: Unfortunately, due to the low capacity of the Federation office in Addis Ababa, in addition to the limited number of activities carried out within the framework of this annual appeal, no accurate statistics have been provided by both National Societies. Efforts will be made to improve data collection mechanisms in order to provide more precise information in the future.

Our Partners: The Red Cross and Red Crescent partners in the Horn of Africa sub-zone include community-based and women associations, various government ministries and offices, as well as United Nations (UN) agencies such as Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Children's Fund, UN Development Programme, World Health Organization and World Food Programme. Other partners are the European Union, including European Commission Humanitarian Office, United States Agency for International Development and the Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS. In addition, numerous Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies from United States, Belgium, United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Kuwait, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden are implementing bilateral activities in the sub-region. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has played a major role in both countries and provided valuable support to the RCSD and the ERCS through its traditional activities, as well as in logistics.

For further information please contact:

Djibouti: Abdi Kaireh Bouh, Secretary General, Red Crescent Society of Djibouti, Djibouti, email:, phone: +253 35 22 0; fax +253 35 24 51.

Ethiopia: Fasika Kebede, Secretary General, Ethiopian Red Cross Society, Addis Ababa, email:; phone: +251 11 515 38 53; fax: +251 11 551 26 43.

Ethiopia: Vincent Toutain, Acting Head of the Horn of Africa Sub-Zone Office; email:; phone: +251 11 5514 317; fax +251 11 5512 888.

Kenya: Dr. Asha Mohammed, Federation Head of Zone, Eastern Africa, Nairobi; email:; phone: +254 20 283 51 24; fax +254 20 271 27 77.

Geneva: Amna Al Ahmar, Federation Regional Officer for East Africa, email:; Phone +41 22 730 44 27; Fax +41 22 733 03 95

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