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Food Security Outlook - April through September 2011


  • Most pastoral households in the Northwest Pastoral and the Southeast Pastoral – Border Livelihood Zones are experiencing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) food insecurity conditions following two consecutive poor seasons, which have led to reduced incomes and reduced food production. These livelihood zones are expected to remain at this level of food insecurity throughout the outlook period due to insufficient natural resources and inadequate food assistance. The Central Pastoral – Lowlands, the Central Pastoral – Highlands, and the Southeast Pastoral - Roadside Livelihood Zones will experience conditions of Stressed (IPC Phase 2) food insecurity for the outlook period.

  • Poor urban households in the Djibouti City Livelihood Zone will likely face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) food insecurity conditions related to a two-month early start to the lean season. The main driving factors for this insecurity include high unemployment, a decline in petty trade activities, high staple food prices, increased rural-urban migration, and the seasonal closure of schools and the associated end of school feeding programs. Water shortages in Djibouti City are also expected to become a serious issue over the coming months as the peak demand for water approaches with the hot season