NAIROBI, 13 January 2010 (IRIN) - The main
rainy season in Djibouti has been poor, prompting fears that some pastoralist
households could face serious food shortages in the coming months.
"Consecutive seasons of poor rainfall,
a possible failure of the current Heys/Dada rains, high staple food prices
and a significant reduction in emergency food aid distribution are pushing
households towards extreme food insecurity," the Famine Early Warning
System Network (FEWS Net) []
The Heys/Dada rains last from October
to February and are the main source of water, especially in the coastal
grazing belt.
"In most areas, no significant
rains were observed in November, normally the period of peak rainfall,
suggesting that the season may be a complete failure," FEWS Net said
in an 11 January alert. "Earlier rains in 2009 were also below normal."
The situation comes at a time when the
UN World Food Programme (WFP) has reduced general emergency food aid distributions
in most pastoral areas by nearly 74 percent, compared with last year.
The reduction followed a May 2009 assessment
that had shown a significant improvement in water and pasture conditions,
especially in the coastal belt. Food and energy prices were also stabilizing.
"WFP is following the current situation
in Djibouti closely together with the government and other partners and
is concerned by the poor performance of the rains in some parts of the
country," Marcus Prior, WFP spokesman in Nairobi, said.
"Up to October 2009, WFP was providing
general food rations to 80,000 vulnerable people in Djibouti," Prior
told IRIN on 13 January. Following the assessment, that number was reduced
to 25,000.
The poor rains have already led to livestock
deaths, FEWS Net said, particularly in the northwest and southeast pastoral
zones. Some households are failing to meet basic food and water needs.
"The rural population in need of
emergency assistance, both food and non-food, is expected to increase in
the coming months to 80,000 to 100,000 persons," it noted. "Current
emergency food aid distribution is inadequate and should expand to meet
the expected caseload."
In central pastoral zones, people had
already started selling their remaining livestock, taking children out
of school, reducing dietary intake, and migrating to cities in search of
casual labour.
Prior said WFP, with regional authorities,
was planning to roll out food-for-work activities for the moderately food
insecure. These would include building or rehabilitating access roads,
and agricultural and water supply infrastructure.
"It is expected that up to 21,500
additional people will benefit from these projects," he added. "WFP's
nutrition programme in Djibouti, targeting over 3,200 of the most vulnerable
mothers and their children, continues."
Two-thirds of Djibouti's estimated 800,000
people live below the poverty line, 10 percent in extreme poverty, according
to Djibouti health ministry statistics. At least 85 percent of the population
lives in urban areas, but 60 percent are unemployed.
Djibouti, according to the International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, is also fundamentally
dependant on imported cereals. Food prices are approximately 30 percent
above the market average.
According to the UN Children's Fund,
UNICEF, an estimated 30,000 children were acutely malnourished last year.
In an update for December 2009-February 2010, UNICEF said global acute
malnutrition (GAM) prevalence among children under five was at a critical
level of 28.8 percent nationally.