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Djibouti Remote Monitoring Report, April 2014


Reduction in humanitarian assistance during June to September lean season expected to cause food consumption gaps

Key Messages

Food insecurity is anticipated to worsen for poor households in the Southeastern Borderside, Northwestern, and Obock pastoralists from May through September. A substantial reduction in humanitarian assistance, an early end to the October to February Xays/Dadaa rains, and an expected reduction in income earning opportunities from July to September, is likely to shift poor households to Crisis (IPC Phase 3) from May through September.

The rapid deterioration in household food security in the Southeast, Northwest and Obock Regions, after very good Karan/Karma rains and average Xays/Dadaa rains, underlines the overwhelming dependence on humanitarian assistance and fragility of rural livelihoods. Close monitoring of both rural and urban poor households is necessary because of an anticipated influx of rural households to urban centers as rural food insecurity intensifies.