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Djibouti Food Security Alert: April 12, 2011


Significant areas of Djibouti experienced a failure of the heys/dada rains from October 2010 to February 2011 (Figure 1). These areas may experience a below-normal diraac/sougoum rainy season from March through May. This lack of rainfall, along with high and rising staple food prices, will push households towards higher levels of food insecurity, particularly in the northwest and southeast pastoral livelihood zones (Figure 2). There is a high likelihood that the World Food Programme (WFP) food aid pipeline will breakdown by June due to a lack of incoming supplies. The situation is expected to worsen as food and income from animal sources decline in pastoral areas over the coming months due to the prolonged dryness and the resulting failed rejuvenation of pasture and browse and lack of sufficient water for livestock.