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Djibouti + 4 more

Djibouti - Flow Monitoring Dashboard – reporting period : 1 - 31 August 2020


During the month of August 2020, 7,682 movements were observed at flow monitoring points in Djibouti representing a daily average of 248 movements. This is an increase of 84% in comparison of the 135 daily average movements observed in July. This increase is mainly due to the reopening of the Djibouti borders.

The main intended final destinations were Djibouti (56%), though most of these are likely intending to travel onwards towards the Arab Peninsula, Ethiopia (36%), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (6%), and Yemen (2%).

The majority of the observed population were male (79.1% adults and 4.0% children), while 16.9% of identified persons were female (16.4% adults and 0.5% children). The identified persons were mainly travelling for economic reasons (56%) or returning to their habitual residence (22%).

Since the announcement of the official reopening of Djibouti borders, the number of migrants from Ethiopia have increased sharply. It went from 504 movements observed in July to 2,203 in August 2020.

During the reporting period, 130 migrants departing from Obock were recorded at the Al-Aarah flow monitoring point in the Lahj governorate in Yemen. During the same period, 941 migrants returning from Yemen were recorded in Obock (**).

Since April 2020, enumerators have been conducting awareness raising sessions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic for all population at FMPs.