In Numbers
12,000 mt of food distributed in September
US$ 10 million distributed in cash-based transfers in September
US$ 350.2 million required for the next six months (November 2024 to April 2025)
1.7 million people assisted in September 2024
Situation Update
• In October, incidences of insecurity and fighting continued in several areas, particularly in the four eastern provinces. The M23 rebel group resumed its offensive by advancing into Kalembe territory in North Kivu, after adhering to the ceasefire and truce over the last two months. The advancement prompted the Congolese armed forces to launch a counter-attack in the same territory, resulting in a resumption of fighting between the two groups.
• The latest IPC analysis for acute food insecurity shows that 25.6 million people (25 percent of the population) are facing acute food insecurity with people in internally displaced camps facing emergency levels (IPC level 4) of food insecurity.
Operational Updates
• General food assistance: In September, WFP distributed in-kind and cash assistance to 1.3 million people including internally displaced persons (IDPs), host communities and refugees from Burundi, Central African Republic (CAR) and South Sudan living in DRC. While this marked the highest monthly reach for WFP’s this year, the rapidly evolving humanitarian needs surpass available resources resulting in WFP not reaching everyone in need.
• Nutrition: WFP provided commodities for the treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition to 360,000 children and pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls. The number of people registered for treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition has increased with new arrivals in the WFP-supported centres.
• School feeding: WFP-supported school feeding programs across six provinces (Kasai Oriental, Kasai Central, Lomami, North Kivu, South Kivu and Tanganyika) targeted 185,000 schoolchildren.
• Asset creation and livelihoods building: Approximately 156,000 smallholder farmers participating in asset creation and livelihoods-building activities, including land resource management, afforestation, capacity building for increased agricultural production through postharvest management, literacy skills and alternative income generation activities.