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DR Congo

WFP Democratic Republic of Congo Country Brief, November 2024


In Numbers

16,000 mt of food distributed in October

USD 10 million distributed in cash-based transfers in October

USD 367.5 million required for the next six months (December 2024 to May 2025)

2 million people assisted in October 2024

Situation Update

• By November, violations of the Luanda-process ceasefire have become more frequent resulting in increased fighting noted in eastern DRC. The fighting resulted in the displacement of almost 200,000 people so far. Besides the M23 rebels and other non-state armed groups, incidents of inter-community violence are reported across North Kivu and other provinces, including security flare-ups in Mai Ndombe areas.

• Localized flooding has already been recorded in several areas where WFP operates due to the onset of the rainy season. With rainy season and La Niña conditions expected to persist, further widespread flooding is anticipated, likely driving an increase in humanitarian needs.

Operational Updates

• General food assistance: In October, WFP distributed in-kind and cash assistance to 1.7 million people including internally displaced persons (IDPs), host communities and refugees living in DRC. WFP continues to reach more people in the latter half of this year; however, the rapidly evolving humanitarian needs surpass available resources resulting in WFP not reaching everyone in need.

• Nutrition: WFP provided commodities for the treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition to 326,000 children and pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls. WFP is also helping malnutrition prevention as part of support to the Mpox response in DRC by targeting 20,000 children aged 6-23 months and pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls.

• School feeding: WFP-supported school feeding programs across six provinces (Kasai Oriental, Kasai Central,
Lomami, North Kivu, South Kivu and Tanganyika) targeting 185,000 schoolchildren.

• Asset creation and livelihoods building: WFP supported approximately 156,000 smallholder farmers participating in asset creation and livelihoods-building activities, including land resource management, afforestation, capacity building for increased agricultural production through post-harvest management, literacy skills and alternative income generation activities.