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DR Congo

Update on the Ebola virus disease in DRC, No. 7 - 3 September 2014



  • Number of confirmed cases: 58 (+5) o Laboratory-confirmed cases: 13 o Probable cases: 22 (+3) o Suspected cases: 23 (+2)

  • Number of deaths: 31 (53.44% mortality rate), including 6 health professionals. The increase from 13 to 31 deaths can be explained by including people who had died before the outbreak of the epidemics was announced on 24 August 2014.

  • Number of ill health professionals: 9

  • Number of hospitaized people (in isolation): 12 o Lokolia: 8 o Watshikengo: 3 o HGR Boende: 1

  • Total number of contacts: 291 (+106)

  • Number of contacts seen to date: 285 (+108), i.e. 96% of the total

  • Number of samples analyzed: 18 (+3) out of 20 taken

  • Samples resulted positive: 13

  • Number of alert cases on 30 August 2014 : 1 case in Kinshasa (false alert) and 1 case in Rungu, in Haut-Uélé (Orientale Province) out of which one sample is yet to be analayzed

  • 1 alert case in Kinsenso (Kinshasa) on 2 September, under investigation

  • 1 alert case from Kenge in the Bandundu province on 2 September

  1. Coordination
  • No plan to delay the re-opening of schools, expected on 8 September in Djera and Boende

  • Expected timeframe for combating the disease : 45 days (as announced by the Government)


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