Number of confirmed cases: 58 (+5) o Laboratory-confirmed cases: 13 o Probable cases: 22 (+3) o Suspected cases: 23 (+2)
Number of deaths: 31 (53.44% mortality rate), including 6 health professionals. The increase from 13 to 31 deaths can be explained by including people who had died before the outbreak of the epidemics was announced on 24 August 2014.
Number of ill health professionals: 9
Number of hospitaized people (in isolation): 12 o Lokolia: 8 o Watshikengo: 3 o HGR Boende: 1
Total number of contacts: 291 (+106)
Number of contacts seen to date: 285 (+108), i.e. 96% of the total
Number of samples analyzed: 18 (+3) out of 20 taken
Samples resulted positive: 13
Number of alert cases on 30 August 2014 : 1 case in Kinshasa (false alert) and 1 case in Rungu, in Haut-Uélé (Orientale Province) out of which one sample is yet to be analayzed
1 alert case in Kinsenso (Kinshasa) on 2 September, under investigation
1 alert case from Kenge in the Bandundu province on 2 September
- Coordination
No plan to delay the re-opening of schools, expected on 8 September in Djera and Boende
Expected timeframe for combating the disease : 45 days (as announced by the Government)
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.