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DR Congo + 1 more

UNICEF DR Congo Monthly situation report, 15 Feb - 18 Mar 2013



  • The situation continues to deteriorate in the Kivus, Maniema and Katanga provinces of DRC with an estimated 2.6 million people currently displaced. The conflict continues to be characterized by grave human rights violations including destruction of homes/schools, sexual violence, family separation, forced recruitment of children, and massive population displacement.

  • Bosco Ntanganda, reported M23 leader wanted by the International Criminal Court, has sought refuge at the US Embassy in Kigali and is asking to be transferred to the Hague.

  • 1082 survivors of sexual violence (including 336 children) received medical care in the provinces of South Kivu, North Kivu, Maniema, Ituri and Dungu. They are receiving also psychosocial support.

  • 83 cases of incidents violating UNSC Resolution 1612 have been reported within the Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism during the reporting period of 15 February to 18 March (13 rapes, 14 abduction, 6 murders, 44 recruitments, 6 attacks against schools and hospitals) in the conflict affected area (North and South Kivu, Province Orientale).

  • From 1st January to 13th March, 6.327 cases of cholera were registered in Katanga with 181 deaths (average lethality rate of 2.8%). Lethality is very high in certain health zones especially in the Northern Lomami where the access is difficult and where partners’ support and presence are very limited. The Pweto Health Zone has reported death rates of 11.4%, Bukama 5.8% and Kilwa 4%.

  • An emergency measles vaccination campaign was carried out from March 4th to March 8th by UNICEF and Merlin in communities affected by displacement and conflict in Punia (Maniema province). Of the 44,930 targeted children (between 6 months to 15 years), 43,760 children were reached (coverage rate of 97.4%).

  • The DRC common humanitarian fund (“Pooled Fund”) has changed its funding mechanism to permit longer-term projects of up to 24 months, in recognition of the chronic emergency context and the need to invest in early recovery and transition with more sustained and predictable funds.