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DR Congo

UNICEF DR Congo Humanitarian Situation Report No. 8: Level 3 Emergency - Ituri, North Kivu, South Kivu provinces (1 January – 31 March 2024)



  • Violent clashes in North Kivu have pushed 100,000 people to Minova (South Kivu) between 2-6 February. The need for a reactive and effective scale up of services is clear.

  • Over 249K households were displaced in the 3 provinces (Jan-March).

  • More than 1,873 unaccompanied and separated minors (UASC) were identified and received temporary care and assistance. The number of UASC identified increased by 24 per cent between February and March.

  • North Kivu accounts for over 57.5 per cent of all cholera cases and it shows a 31% decrease in cases from the same period last year (Jan- March 2023).

  • UNICEF reached 96% of its ambitious CATI response goal - an essential service in curbing the cholera outbreaks.

  • Ituri province saw an upsurge in attacks against civilians. More than 100 civilians are killed on average in the province each month. (OCHA)

Situation in Numbers *

4.9 million People in need of humanitarian assistance

2.8 million Children in need of humanitarian assistance

4 million Newly internally displaced people since Oct 2022 (OCHA)

11,027 Suspected cholera cases, 186 deaths in DRC (Jan.-Mar. 2024, Min. of Health)

Funding Overview and Partnerships

UNICEF requires US$ 401.3 million for its L3 emergency response in eastern DRC. This amount is a subset of UNICEF DRC’s overall Humanitarian Action for Children 2023 and 2024 appeals. The humanitarian response is needed to meet the acute protection needs of women and children resulting from: the upsurge in violence in Rutshuru and Masisi territories (North Kivu province); inter-communal conflict in Djugu and Mahagi territories (Ituri province); violence in the “Grand Nord Kivu” and south Ituri province; and the cholera outbreak in North Kivu and South Kivu provinces. Since June 2023, UNICEF has received US$ 19.1 million against the emergency funding requirements. However, a total of US$ 35.3 million was received in 2023 before the L3 declaration and is being used for the humanitarian response since June, along with an internal loan of US$ 5.75 million (UNICEF Emergency Response Fund/EPF). UNICEF sincerely thanks all public and private donors for the contributions received.