• Intensified community engagement and risk communication efforts to overcome community resistance in Biakato resulted in zero new cases at the end of the reporting period.
• Under Pillar 3 interventions, UNICEF supported the vaccination of 217,683 children against measles. Vaccination was accompanied by temperature screening and early referral to health facilities in case of fever, thus contributing to the ‘getting to zero’ intensification strategy.
• As part of the IPC/WASH response activities, UNICEF teams decontaminated 58 households, 34 health facilities and 16 public places during the reporting period. In all, 92 per cent of decontaminations were completed within 72 hours of a positive case result notification.
• From 29 to 31 October, UNICEF participated in the Ebola Strategic Response Plan 4 Midterm Review organized by the government in Goma to assess key results and challenges on SPR4 implementation.
It also launched a reflection on the post December 2019 strategy.
• On 5 November, the DRC and Ugandan governments, supported by UNICEF, held a cross-border forum in Bwera (Uganda) for more than a hundred Congolese and Ugandan community leaders and authorities. A joint declaration was signed by participants who affirmed their engagement in the fight against the Ebola virus disease.
Key epidemic numbers
3,169 confirmed cases (WHO, 10 November 2019)
886 children <18 among confirmed cases (WHO, 10 November 2019)
2,075 deaths among confirmed cases (WHO, 10 November 2019)
Key figures
36 implementing partners, including 17 national actors
2,775 community workers and mobilizers
113 community radio partners
1,112 psychosocial agents, including caregivers, in UNICEF-run nurseries
90 IPC/WASH supervisors and 433 hygienists for decontaminations
Ebola Response Appeal (Pillars I and III)
US$ 125.6 million
Epidemiological overview
With an additional 22 new confirmed cases in the last two weeks, a total of 3,287 Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) cases were reported as of 10 November 2019, among which 3,169 confirmed and 118 probable cases. More than two thirds (2,193) of EVD cases died (global case fatality rate remains 67 per cent).
Of the total confirmed and probable cases, 56 per cent (1,854) were female and 28 per cent (929) were children.