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DR Congo

Social and Economic Impacts of Tuungane - Final Report on the Effects of a Community Driven Reconstruction Program in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo



This report provides the results of an assessment of the impacts of Tuungane, a major UK government funded Community Driven Reconstruction (CDR) Program implemented by the IRC and CARE International in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Project goals and activities: The Tuungane program has been working since 2007 in 1,250 war-affected villages with a targeted beneficiary population of approximately 1,780,000 people. Over this period Tuungane organized the election of village committees in all of these villages, as well as training in leadership, good governance, and social inclusion. The elected committees then worked with populations to select development projects and oversee the implementation of these projects. In the first (village level) stage of Tuungane I, which is the focus of our analysis, the project supported the construction or rehabilitation of 1,700 classrooms and 150 clinics as well as projects to support infrastructure and livelihood development. The theory behind the Tuungane intervention is that training, coupled with exposure to and practice in accountable governance in the context of these projects, can produce learning-by-doing and bring about change in local accountability and social cohesion as well as improve the welfare of communities.