Banyampuli, 11 July 2014 - The Armed Forces of the DR Congo (FARDC), supported by the MONUSCO Force Intervention Brigade, launched military operations in Bunyampuli, North Kivu, on 2 July 2014, against the Mayi Mayi NDC Sheka militia group, resulting in population displacements in the area.
As of 4th July, the number of displaced people (IDPs) stood as follows: 238 families in Mpofi, 15 families in Bunangiri and 115 families in Kigoma village (4 Km south of a MONUSCO base at Mpofi.)
Meanwhile, the FARDC continued sweeping operations in the area after dislodging these militiamen, thus allowing a significant number of IDPs to return to their homes, according to the MONUSCO Civil Affairs section.
The recent liberation of the Mpofi-Bunyampuli area is considered to be a major step towards restoring State authority there. Nevertheless, all stakeholders in the area still have a lot to do. MONUSCO needs to increase patrols and meetings with FARDC in order to prevent NDC Sheka sabotage actions and retaliation against civilians favorable to the FARDC presence. The FARDC needs to be sensitized on the important of maintaining a good collaboration between military and civilians. Deploying National Congolese Police (PNC) units is also imperative to insure civilians are well protected while FARDC pursue military operations in other areas.