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DR Congo

MONUSCO on a public-awareness campaign about its mandate

Kinshasa, 1 February 2012 – On 31 January 2012 in Kinshasa, the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), through its Office of Public Information, organized an information and awareness-raising session on its mandate.

The objective of the meeting was to promote the understanding of the Mission’s mandate and to contribute to its outreach among the Congolese population. About a hundred people attended the event, including leaders of associations and student movements, as well as journalists.

Several MONUSCO entities, including the Electoral Assistance Division, the Political Affairs Division, the Force, the Police, and the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office, contributed directly to the event through presentations of their respective activities, within the framework of the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1991 defining MONUSCO mandate.

Simon Kidiamboko, the Academic Secretary of the Institut supérieur des Techniques appliquées (ISTA) – where the ceremony took place - expressed in his introductory remarks gratitude to MONUSCO for initiating such an activity which, in his opinion, finds its full meaning in the current political events, and beyond that, in the continued insecurity in some areas of the country. For Madnodje Mounoubai, MONUSCO Office of Public Information, which he is representing, wants to contribute to a better understanding of the Mission’s role towards local populations.

MONUSCO’s support to the electoral process has been at the heart of the discussions that followed the different presentations.

Aïssatou Laba Touré/ MONUSCO