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DR Congo

Modernisation of cooperation between Belgium and the DRC: governance and efficiency

The Congolese Minister for International and Regional Cooperation, Raymond Tshibanda and the Minister for Development Cooperation Charles Michel concluded the mixed Belgo-Congolese Commission on Monday 21 December 2009. During this mixed Commission, Belgium and the Democratic Republic of the Congo agreed to the new Indicative Cooperation Programme for the period 2010-2013.

Ambitious programme

This new Indicative Cooperation Programme aims to be exemplary and ambitious. On the eve of 2010, which will be the occasion to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the DRC's independence, this ICP is also the result of an intense and fruitful process, which had begun with the visit by Minister Charles Michel to the DRC last April. This visit made it possible to unblock the 2008-2009 programme and to validate the major orientations which form the basis for the new ICP: efficiency of the aid, concentration of sectors, good governance, the battle against corruption, etc.

This programme creates the foundations for a new cooperation partnership in keeping with the privileged relationship that exists between Belgium and the DRC. This new programme increases the resources of our bilateral cooperation from EUR 65 million/year in the previous ICP to EUR 75 million/year.

Belgium's support can be reinforced in the last 2 years of the programme if practical progress in the field of democratic and financial governance are recorded.

Governance and efficiency

The wish is also to increase the efficiency of Belgium's aid in the DRC by reducing the number of sectors of action:

- roads and ferry points (with a view to opening up rural areas),

- agriculture

- education

Furthermore, a targeted number of actions will be continued in the health sector until there is a total exit from this sector.

In practice, some 10,000 km of roads will also be renovated and maintained, nearly 15 million people will have their food security improved and thousands of young people will be offered opportunities through high-quality technical and professional education.

The new Programme will also pay specific attention to questions of governance and the battle against corruption. As such, the two governments recognise the importance of the correct progress of the electoral process, reinforcing society and the State in its functions as a legislator and service provider, good governance and zero tolerance of corruption.