- 212,000 people were affected by floods in 2008
- Approximately 187,000 people were displaced by conflict in 2008
- LRA attacks in eastern DR Congo have displaced over 4,773 people within the past month
Mines: Following the discovery of anti-tank (AT) mines during reconstruction of the road from Limbe - Kajo Keji, a team from UNMAO travelled this week to verify the findings and make an assessment of what further action is necessary. The team identified 8 AT mines (7 of which were on the road). The team recommended to UNDSS that the 20km stretch east of the Kaya bridge towards Kajo Keji remains closed. UNMAO has identified a suitable mechanical asset to work on the area. It is expected that this clearance will commence within 2 weeks, and will take an estimated one working day.
Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) peace negotiations: A communiqué issued at the end of a two day stakeholders' consultative meeting in Kampala on 7th and 8th November called on the LRA Leader Joseph Kony to sign the final Peace Agreement by 29th November. The Ugandan government undertook to approach the ICC to defer its indictment of Kony once he signs the Agreement. Kony is said to have expressed willingness to sign.
Abyei: On 12 November, the Abyei Area Administration (AAA), including councilors, was sworn-in. The administration and its counterparts in the UN system and INGOs began budget planning for 2009 from 13 - 14 November 2008. The new administration has essentially seven departments including security and infrastructure. UNMIS/RRR will closely collaborate with the administration on returns and has provided a draft 'Strategic Plan for Return in 2009'.
Epidemic diseases: WHO has deployed staff to the border with Southern Kordofan to monitor the possible spill over of viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF) into Southern Sudan. According to GoSS, about 30 cases of VHF and 12 deaths were reported in Southern Kordofan in week 44. However, WHO and partners have not been allowed access to assess the situation and fight the outbreak. WHO principals are continuing efforts to negotiate access to the area. Humanitarian coordinators have also started discussing ways of addressing this problem. The UNCT recommended that this issue be put on the agenda of the mission of USG/ERC Sir John Holmes for advocacy at the highest level.
Response to Floods:
Maban County, Upper Nile State: UNMIS and local authorities have repaired the bridge on the major access road between Maban and Jamaam in Upper Nile State. Flood water is also said to be receding. More food and NFIs are being delivered to the area.
Bor County, Jonglei State: The Southern Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission reported that 7,729 people (1,791 households) were affected by floods in Bor since the first week of November. IFRC deployed an emergency team to assess the situation and deliver initial assistance. UNMIS assisted with two dumper trucks to transport soil. ADRA is provided chlorine tablets for water purification while Save the Children and CRS provided three drums of fuel and distributed NFIs together with Medair. FAO are sent a team to do a rapid assessment.
Six of 10 States affected: Since July 2008, floods affected six out of ten states in Southern Sudan namely; Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap, Upper Nile, Jonglei, Unity and Lakes.