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DR Congo

D.R.Congo: Child Protection Working Group - Global CP AoR Annual retreat, Kampala, 9 September 2017


1. The DRC CPWG in a nutshell

• 1 national CPWG in Kinshasa

• 24 sub-national CPWGs including 1 new CPWG in Kasai and 2 CPWGs in Kwilu provinces

• > 40 leads and co-leads, incl. 22 (50% national co-leads among whom 8 cogovernmental co-leads and 14 NNGOs

• A national SAG • Some 2/3 of the country affected by emergencies

• Crises in Tanganyika and in Eastern DRC

• The impact of the Kasai crisis extends to 9 provinces + Angola

• Nearly 4 million IDPs, the highest number in Africa, including on average 60,5 % child IDPs, hence over 2 million IDP children