Kinshasa, February 24, 2017 ( : The Executive Secretariat of Caritas Congo Asbl has proceeded to the presentation of its activity report carried out in 2016 this Friday, February 24, 2017. The interventions of this technique body charged of social pastoral of Catholic church in DRC have allowed to provide care, training, and support in various manners nearly 5 millions of persons. And this, in all 26 provinces of country.
The activity of Caritas Congo Asbl in 2016 have touched the following areas : preventions and responses to the emergencies, promotion of both health and sustainable development, food security, education, capacity-building and support for microprojects.
For achieving all these activities, Caritas Congo has mobilized 37.135.741,00 US dollars from different partners including the Congolese government. « we feel so grateful towards all our partners who, for several years ago have supported our work in 2016. Then they contribute to the achievement of our mission, extending the radiance of light love and solidarity of Jesus Christ for people in the need through all Democratic Republic of Congo » has emphasized the Executive Secretary of Caritas Congo Asbl, Dr Bruno Miteyo, during the ceremony of presentation of the said report in the room Anuarite de Centre D’accueil Caritas at Kinshasa / Gombe.
It should be noted that the annual report 2016 present only the traditional activities of Caritas Congo Asbl implemented by some of its Diocesan offices under its financial and technique accompaniment. It appears that obviously the needs are still immense to eradicate the poverty in Congolese people, says Dr. Miteyo. « From which the sens of fourth axe of our strategic plan 2013-2017 that is on the plea for a best world in the struggle against the causes of injustices and the inequalities. In a such context, the consolidation and the anchorage of solidarity funds in our people stay a big challenge that impose to national network of Caritas Congo Asbl in his determination to position against the one of reference actors in the struggle against the poverty », has concluded.
Different personalities among which Congolese ministers delegates, representatives of embassies and agencies of United Nations system, humanitarian and development actors as well as members of civil society and journalist have taken part to this ceremony. A part from the speech of Executive secretary of Caritas Congo Asbl, there was powerpoint presentation of annual report 2016 projection of a documentary of 20 minutes, having permitted a fruitful exchange between the guests and the Caritas staff.
Caritas Congo Asbl
Translated by The Intern Suzette KLIMWENDO