1,066 families transferred and sheltered at Rusayo II IDP site this week
Total 2,933 shelters built in Rusayo II IDP site
This week has seen a deterioration in the security situation in the “Grand Nord” region of North Kivu Province.
Logistical challenges have grown assecure access and use of roads has become unpredictable. While non-state armed groups continue to heavily impact the region, users of the Beni-Butembo road section are calling for the deployment of defence and security forces on the road linking these two towns in North Kivu. These renewed concerns follow months of blockages on key routes in the region which have severely limited the flow of resources across North Kivu Province and beyond. The resulting inflation of market goods prices in Goma has heavily impacted both displaced and host communities.
Observations collected over recent weeks in the Petit Nord region (Masisi, Rutshuru and Nyiragongo) suggest new patterns of attacks against civilian populations, including reprisal killings perpetrated by armed groups across the region. Similarly, cases of human rights violations such as abductions have been made reported and gang rapes reportedly perpetrated by elements of armed groups have been documented. The reported kidnapping of more than 30 people in Nyiragongo territory has raised alarm at the potential for a new wave of reprisal attacks as displaced populations remain exposed on the periphery of Goma city, further reflecting increasing instability in the region.
Against this backdrop, humanitarian operations are being severely hampered and many of those who have fled violence remain without assistance, owing to severe access restrictions.
In Masisi territory, reported clashes between non-state armed groups are continuing in the Bashali-Mukoto and Bashali-Kaembe groupings. Some 3,389 households, totalling 18,698 individuals, have moved in different directions including towards Bulindi and Kahnga in Mweso and Masisi Health Zones. In Rutshuru territory, in the Tongo and Bambu locations, an upsurge in cases of civilian killings by armed groups has been recorded, resulting in 1,575 individuals fleeing to Kabizo in Bambu locations