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DR Congo

DR Congo: OCHA Humanitarian Situation Update No. 05 - North Kivu, 04 Nov 2008

  • 8 500 newly displaced families in South Lubero

- 10 tons of medicine arrived in Goma, 30 tons more to arrive in the next days

Political and security context

- In the locality of Kahira, north-east of Masisi centre, local NGOs reported clashes opposing the CNDP and PARECO on 2 November. No population movement reported so far.

- In Kibati, some public sites are hosting soldiers, namely the Catholic Church. Their presence could create problems with regards to the protection of civilians.

Population movements

- A first estimate indicates the presence of more than 8 500 new displaced households in southern Lubero, on 1 November. IDP families continue arriving; registration has started on 3 November.

- IDPs in Rutshuru territory are scattered on the main axis in the Grand Nord: Kanyabayonga, Kayna, Kirumba, Mighobwe, Kaseghe, Lubero, Butembo, Beni, Oicha. The majority, however, has stopped in South Lubero.

- Some IDPs are leaving Kanyabayonga, Kayna and Kirumba to find hosting families further away, on the road section Kaseghe-Lubero.

- Six spontaneous sites in Goma are currently registered by CARE: Eglise Mungu Samaki, Eglise Néo Apostolique of Virunga, EP Laïc, EP Notre Dame d'Afrique, Mosquée Birere, General Hospital of Karisimbi. Other sites are being identified.

- The identification of IDPs in different CCCM and spontaneous sites is ongoing.

Assistance and identified needs


- Ten tonnes of medicine provided by WHO for the affected populations in North Kivu arrived in Goma on 04 November, for the relief of at least 60 000 people for one month.

- WHO has obtained from the Government of Norway 30 tons of drugs covering for one month the needs of 150 000 people threatened by diarrhoeal diseases, trauma and precarious health conditions in North Kivu. The drugs will arrive in the DRC in the coming days and will be distributed by WHO and its partners. Norway will also provide eight water purification equipments serving the needs of 60 000 people.

- In Kibati, Solidarités/RRM reports many cases of children with scabies. MSF-F sets up mobile clinics for medical care.

- WHO and the provincial health inspection have distributed medicine in the Military hospital in Katindo to fight a cholera outbreak. Currently, the epidemic is under control.

- Needs for medical care of IDPs in South Lubero are covered by MERLIN and MSF-F. 50 % of patients in the health centres are reported to be IDPs.

- ASF/PSI has provided 100 childbirth kits for IDPs in Goma.


- An OXFAM UK team went to South Lubero on 2 November. Water trucking will start on 5 November.

- MSF, ICRC and MC continue to ensure the water supply in Kibati by water trucking, providing 200 m3 per day.

- OXFAM-GB, on 03 November, has brought six bladders to Kibati and two barrels of chlorine destined to serve on the axis Goma-Rutshuru.

- In the CCCM sites, Mercy Corps is in charge of WATSAN.


- WFP has provided UNHCR with five Ralbull (tents) to shelter new IDPs arriving on the sites in Kibati. A large warehouse of 480m2 was made available for the storage.

Food Security

- WFP plans food distribution to IDPs in the sites around Goma, in coordination with ICRC when the registration is finished. DR Congo


- CARE has distributed, on 4 November, NFI kits to 330 households in the spontaneous sites in Goma.


- A coordination meeting was held on 4 November at the OCHA office in Goma.

- OCHA went to South Lubero to follow up the advocacy efforts for humanitarian access in the zone. Mission:

During the emergency coordination meeting on November 3, the following assessment missions were planned : WVI (in Minova), Caritas (in Rutshuru), IRC (in Ngungu, Moshaki, Kitchanga and Rutshuru), LWF (in Rutshuru, Minova and Kanyabayonga), ICRC (in Nyamilima, Kanyabayonga and Sake).

For further information, please visit :


Gloria Fernandez, Head of mission, OCHA-RDC,, Tél. : +243 81 333 01 46

Noel Tsekouras, Desk Officer OCHA New York,, Tél.: + 1 917 367 93 67

Christophe Illemassene, Public Information Manager,, +243 819 889 195

Ivo Brandau, Information Officer OCHA-RDC,, Tél. : + 243 815 142 956


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