I have the honour to refer to the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) and the additional requirements requested for the Mission in the light of the persistent crisis in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. As you will recall, Alan Doss, my Special Representative for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, outlined these additional requirements during the Security Council consultations on 3 October 2008. At the request of Security Council members, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations also presented a detailed technical brief on the additional requirements to Council members on 8 October 2008.
By its presidential statement of 29 October 2008 (S/PRST/2008/40), the Security Council duly noted the reinforcement of MONUC requested by the Secretariat and expressed its intention to expeditiously study that request in view of the developments of the situation on the ground.
In this regard, an explanatory note dated 31 October 2008 by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations on the additional requirements for MONUC is attached to the present letter (see annex).
(Signed) Ban Ki-moon